Hello Sono LLC
- Hello Sono
- Tatiana Havryliuk
- 1178 Broadway, 3rd Floor, #3459, New York, NY 10001
- 9292262041
- tatiana@hellosono.com
- https://www.hellosono.com/
- Tuesday P. Brooks
- 42 West 129th Street, New York, NY 10027
- 646-535-2459
- accountants@ajoymanagement.com
- https://www.ajoymanagement.com/
- Black or African American, Veteran
Pitts Leadership Consulting LLC
- Shamis Pitts
- New York, NY 10027
- 267-253-7873
- shamis@pittsleadership.com
- https://pittsleadership.com/
- Black or African American
Great Performances
- Great Performances
- Liz Neumark
- 2417 3rd Ave
- 2127272424
- jennifer.elliott@greatperformances.com
- http://www.greatperformances.com
Hard Manufacturing Co., Inc.
- Hard Manufacturing Co., Inc.
- Marjorie B Bryen
- 230 Grider St, Buffalo, NY 14215
- 7168931800
- mbryen@hardmfg.com
- http://www.hardmfg.com
Táche Pistachio Milk
- Táche Pistachio Milk
- Roxana Saidi
- 228 Park Ave S New York, NY
- 6507877447
- sales@tachemilk.com
- http://www.pistachiomilk.com
- Middle Eastern or North African
Spectrix Analytical Services, LLC
- Jodi Soufrine
- 410 Sackett pt rd, bldg. 15 North Haven CT 06473
- (203) 287-5674
- info@spectrixservices.com
- http://www.spectrixservices.com
FiercelyGreen LLC
- Green Retail Consulting
- Yana Averbukh
- New York, NY 10280
- 9176204158
- yana@greenretailconsulting.com
- https://www.greenretailconsulting.com/
- Tania Kottoor
- 808 Myrtle Ave
- 7086064546
- tania@westxeast.com
- https://westxeast.com/
- Asian
Tal Healthcare
- Tal Healthcare
- Lea Tal
- 43 Kensico Drive Mount Kisco NY 10549
- 914-2447100
- operations@Talhealthcare.com
- http://www.talhealthcare.com
Independent Recovery Resources Inc
- Anita Manghisi, IFCCE
- 414 S Service Rd # 309 Patchogue NY 11772
- 6317580900
- Anita@irrcollect.com
- http://www.irrcollect.com
Dina Towbin and Associates LLC
- Dina Towbin and Associates LLC
- Dina S Towbin
- 920 E 17th St #219, Brooklyn, NY 11230
- 7036096688
- dinatowbinconsulting@gmail.com
- http://www.dinatowbinconsulting.com
- Jewish