- Natalie Gillard
- P.O. Box 26153 Baltimore, MD 21210
- 6177856018
- natalie@factualitythegame.com
- https://www.factualitythegame.com
- Black or African American, LGBTQIA2S+
Harris & Harris Wealth Management Group, LLC
- Harris & Harris Wealth Management Group, LLC
- Zaneilia Harris
- 17541 Eleanor Lane
- 301.218.0885
- zaneilia.harris@hhwealth.com
- http://www.hhwealth.com
- Black or African American
Little Chompions
- Nathalie Pramanik and Monica Phillips
- 1833 Irving St NW. Washington, DC 20010
- 7035829942
- nathalie@littlechompions.com
- https://littlechompions.com/
- Hispanic or Latine
AdaRose, Inc.
- Lygeia Ricciardi
- 622 D Street NE
- 202 714-0123
- lygeia@adarose.com
- http://www.adarose.com
- Dr. Kristian Edwards
- Ecommerce
- 4104282820
- kristian@blkgrn.com
- http://www.blkgrn.com
- Black or African American, Disability
MMC Investments I, LLC
- MMC Consulting
- Jennifer Hanks
- 12138 Central Ave., Suite #310
- 2027692993
- jahanks@marshallmadisoncompanies.com
- http://www.marshallmadisoncompanies.com
- Black or African American
- Liz Whitehead
- PO Box 7582 Silver Spring MD 20907
- 9172096186
- liz@12pointfive.com
- https://12pointfive.com/
The Allyson Group
- Karen James Cody
- 7304 Carroll Avenue, #181, Takoma Park MD 20912
- 3014524469
- kjc@theallysongroup.net
- http://theallysongroup.net
- Black or African American
EPICC Technologies
- Maryland
- 301-744-.8595
- info@epicctech.com
- https://www.epicctech.com
- Black or African American
Bello Insights, LLC
- Bello Insights Lab
- Ana Bello-Elliott
- 11166 Fairfax Blvd Ste 500-1136
- 7036798511
- ana@belloinsightslab.com
- https://belloinsightslab.com/
- Hispanic or Latine
PLATTinum HR Consulting
- Rachel Platt
- North Bethesda, MD
- 301-807-4334
- rplatt@PLATTinumconsulting.com
- http://www.PLATTinumconsulting.com
Shruti Law PLLC
- Shruti Law PLLC
- Shruti Costales
- 1725 I St NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006
- 8884959510
- shruti@shrutilaw.com
- https://shrutilaw.com/
- Asian