MMC Investments I, LLC

MMC Investments I, LLC

Jennifer Hanks is Founder and CEO of MMC Consulting (MMC), an international management consulting firm supporting the federal government ecosystem providing professional services in the areas of acquisition, program, and human capital management solutions.

As CEO, Jennifer sets the firm’s strategy and manages its commercial and federal practice with the goal of "Empowering the Possible." MMC specializes in delivering innovative solutions to client challenges using the Engagement + Empowerment + Execution = Excellence service delivery formula. MMC is a small, disadvantaged woman owned business located in Prince George’s County, Maryland.

Mrs. Hanks is also a small business advocate and champion of creating diverse and equitable spaces and opportunities for minority contractors. In addition to her responsibilities as CEO of MMC Consulting, she is also Co-founder and Senior Advisor to The FedPROPEL Institute whose mission is codified in the Three|10 Initiative: within 10 years position 10k minority led firms to secure $10B in federal contracts.

Jennifer is a long-standing member of NCMA, a current board member and past president of the Tysons chapter. A co-founder of the newest NCMA Chapter, NCMA Metro Maryland, she serves as the Board Chair. She is also a former USAID contracting officer with nearly two decades of experience supporting both government and industry clients. She currently serves on the Board of Advisors for NCMA Tysons and NCMA Atlanta, is a mentor for the NCMA Contract Management Leadership Development Program (CMLDP) and serves on the Contract Management Advisory Board for the Northern Virginia Community College.

In addition to Jennifer’s service, MMC Consulting is a participating organization in the Bizzell Collective, a strategic alliance uniting emerging small business firms to offer integrated solutions to federal government agencies. Our one-stop-shop approach streamlines access to a wide range of services, from health services and consulting to IT and logistics.

Mrs. Hanks earned a Master of Science in Management from The Catholic University of America, a Master’s Certificate in Government Contracting from The George Washington University, and a Bachelor of Music from The University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL). Jennifer resides in Maryland with her amazing husband and 3 wonderful daughters.

Business Information

Business (DBA) Name
MMC Consulting
Business Owner Name
Jennifer Hanks
Ownership Demographics
Black or African American

Contact Information

12138 Central Ave., Suite #310


Total social media followers
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