LebaTex Inc.
- LebaTex Inc.
- Stacy Garcia
- 501 Airport Executive Park, Nanuet, NY 10954
- 845-426-0756
- help@lebatex.com
- http://www.lebatex.com
HC Contracting Inc
- Ferrara Manufacturing
- Gabrielle Ferrara
- 37-38 31st street, long island city ny 11101
- 212-643-9292
- info@ferraramfg.com
- http://ferraramfg.com
SpringRose, Inc.
- Springrose
- Nicole Cuervo
- Brooklyn, NY
- 2027426922
- nicole@springrose.co
- http://www.springrose.co
- Hispanic or Latine, LGBTQIA2S+
Execution Over Theory
- Tanya Saracino
- New York, NY 10001
- 925.895.2000
- hi@eot-consulting.com
- http://www.eot-consulting.com
- Hispanic or Latine, LGBTQIA2S+
AFC Industries INC
- Anat Rotveli
- 13-16 133rd Pl, College Point, NY 11356
- 800-663-3412
- afcmarketing@afcindustries.com
- https://afcindustries.com/
M3 Business Service Network LLC
- M3 Placement and Partnership
- Mary Malone McCarthy
- Albany, NY 12211
- 315-624-2210
- hello@m3placement.com
- http://m3placement.com
- White
Rodriguez-McCloskey PLLC Attorneys at Law
- Yenisey Rodriguez-McCloskey
- 32 Court Street, Brooklyn, Unit 2101
- 718-841-9401
- yenisey@rodriguezmccloskey.com
- http://www.rodriguezmccloskey.com
- Eleonora Stefantsova
- 12 E 86th St, New YOrk, NY 10028
- 9176216333
- eleonora@luvre.agency
- https://luvre.agency
- Some other race (please specify below)
- White European
The Style That Binds Us
- Alison BRUHN
- Delia Folk
- 50 E 78th St
- 2055320242
- delia@thestylethatbindsus.com
- https://thestylethatbindsus.com/
- Some other race (please specify below)
- White
87th Street Creative
- 87th Street Creative
- Sherene Strausberg
- 5 Overlook Drive
- 9179230559
- sherene@87thstreetcreative.com
- https://www.87thstreetcreative.com/
- Some other race (please specify below)
- Caucasian
BBG&G Integrated Marketing
- 3020 Route 207, Suite 101, Campbell Hall, NY 10916
- (845) 615-9084
- deborahgarry@bbggadv.com
- https://bbggadv.com/
Made Manifest LLC
- Made Manifest LLC
- Dana Unger
- 19 Fulton Street
- 9175848141
- danaunger@mademanifest.com
- http://www.mademanifest.com