HC Contracting Inc
Ferrara Manufacturing specializes in luxury-quality products, including suits, trousers, jackets, and coats.
At Ferrara Manufacturing, we're passionate about creating exceptional garments and providing top-quality service to our clients. In 1987, our company’s founders, Carolyn and Joseph Ferrara, started with a dream to produce the most beautiful, well-fitting clothing in the world. As a family-owned and operated American garment manufacturer for nearly four decades, we're proud of the reputation we have created for producing high-end, tailored garments using the latest technology, including 3D printing, CAD design, CNC cutters, and over 300 specialized sewing machines.
Business Information
Business (DBA) Name
Ferrara Manufacturing
Business Owner Name
Gabrielle Ferrara
Contact Information
37-38 31st street, long island city ny 11101
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